Tuesday, December 14, 2004


Have you seen the movie "Magnolia" starring Tom Cruise. Its a very true depiction of our life in all its randomness. While telling a story of a day in the life of its protagonists as varied as life itself, it send a disturbing message that behind the seeming randomness we are connected somehow by a unseen, unfelt thread. I must say one of my best movie experiences and definitely in the line of "Groundhog Day". I liked the phrase used in the movie
"You may be through with the past but the past is never through with you."

Sunday, December 12, 2004

Can Mobile Invade Privacy?

The recent DPS sex scandal highlights one important point. The devices which we use for communication can also be invasive and unethically used at times. The guy who posted pics of one of the girls studying with him, may not repent, but i understand what pain the girl and her parents must be going through. What torture must they be enduring?
I know many would say the girl had it coming. So why care? That is over-simplificaion to say the least. The larger issues of loss of privacy due to invasive devises such as mobile phones are completely ignored. Even the govt reaction-banning of mobile phones is a high handed solution. If an adult had done this to any collegue in his/her office then what? Would then the govt ban mobile devices in all offices also? Banning is not a solution. Instead what should be explored are the larger implications of effects of giving mobile devices to people who are not mature enough to use them.

Sunday, September 26, 2004

High Tide

Its such a long time since i have posted anything on this blog. Life has changed, so have priorities. I have become a lot more wisened up and mature. I have just completed my 4th process lab. I have slowly started thinking, about myself and my actions. "there are tides in affairs of men......", my tide is coming. Lets see where the tide takes me to

Monday, February 16, 2004

Bitter-Sweet Experiences

today i felt very disappointed. For the first time i was refused permission to donate blood because of diabetes. I found out that this is wrong. Diabetes patients can donate blood. Anyway the feeling of rejection will take some time to go away. I have given my interview for KPIT Cummins and feel that i gave a decent interview. There is no thing as a perfect interview but i have high hopes.